
Showing posts from July, 2020

see it everywhere

When your into something you see it everywhere.  I'm into putting images on cardboard and street art.  I was out with my pups walking this morning and someone had put out their trash beens.  On top of the recycle been was all these huge pieces of broken down cardboard.  I wanted to take it all but was pretty far from home and didn't want to make the effort dragging it back.  Also whenever I see a huge empty wall or side of a truck or trash been I think, that would make a great surface for this painting idea I have. 

Tuesday! no wait...Wednesday!

Writing is difficult for me. I overthink every sentence wondering if I used the correct combination of words, spelled everything right, grammar, and punctuation.  Just had to get that out before I started todays blog entry.   Last night I worked on an idea I had that l’m calling, 3 DJs.  Its three Monkeys on 3 separate cardboard canvas.  Wait, 2 are on cardboard, one is on the back of a a Seattle Mariners poster.  I wanted to do the last image big but did last have a large enough piece of Cardboard.  I also wanted to see how the airbrushing would work on a surface with glossy sheen.  Pretty good it turns out.  I want to go back to that one tonight and add colors.  But they’re pretty much done and I’m content with how they turned out.   The creative process goes a few different ways for me when I create art or music, let me explain.   I make time to create everyday weather I am inspired and have a great new idea or I have nothing, I go do it.  In sports they have what is re

niece/dog head

Working tonight on a picture of my sisters daughter.  She is adorable and their dog is super cute too.  Figure I should mash them up in one and see if the cuteness is amplified or it looks like something out of a science fiction movie.  Either way it will be fun.  Working on Cardboard canvas painted white with house paint.  Going to listen to Skrillex while I create.


My thoughts: I'm currently really enjoying airbrushing.  Art and life are such a journey, amiright?  Last year, I took a class at the local arts center.  It had been nearly two decades since my last class.  I had such anxiety thinking about skills and expectations.  I studied art in my younger years at UW but would my hands even remember that?  During that class, I found myself rekindling that passion.  Drawing, watercolors, ink stippling.  It was as if I had locked the love and passion down deep and chance to create and everything poured out.  Well so, what's coming out of this brain? Recently, I have become obsessed with two things: editing the heads off of humans and replacing them with some type of animal.  It is wildly satisfying.  Next is the type of canvas.  Cardboard.  It has a wonderful toughness to it.  I like how the texture and hue work with the airbrushing technique or ink and brush.  And its free and plentiful!  I like to imagine a gallery where ca